主要从事计算力学方面研究工作,在结构失效-安全拓扑优化设计、复合材料结构性能预测和优化设计、疲劳断裂失效等方向开展了一系列创新性研究工作,相关研究成果发表于结构优化旗舰期刊《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》、断裂力学领域TOP期刊《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》、《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、工程领域TOP期刊《Thin-Walled Structures》、材料力学TOP期刊《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》及计算力学经典期刊《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》《力学学报》等知名期刊上。
1、L-XH型螺旋消音换热器。吉林省重点新产品计划项目 已结题(负责人)。
2、CRH3-350转向架焊接变形控制与仿真模拟。长春市科技支撑计划项目子课题 已结题(负责人)
3、13型警刺设计及工艺研究。北京瑞安祥和商贸有限责任公司 已结题(负责人)
4、基于重分析理论的简化车身多单元框架结构截面参数快速优化研究。国家自然科学基金 已结题(参加人)。
5、亏损振动系统快速自适应重分析算法研究。博士点基金 已结题(参加人)。
6、简化车身框架结构多目标多层次快速优化关键技术研究。吉林省科技发展重大专项 已结题(参加人)。
7、基于拓扑优化的轿车车身轻量化技术研究。吉林省产业技术研究与开发专项 已结题(参加人)。
9、地板结构选型及受力仿真分析。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。
10、分拣设备振动检测及优化设计。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。
11、车用制动模块框架结构仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
12、动车组应急梯结构仿真分析。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。
13、减振材料力学性能测试。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。
14、动车制动模块框架结构疲劳及模态仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
15、动车制动风缸吊带结构仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
16、系列大跨度高喷车结构件轻量化优化计算。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
17、v11系列产品可靠性分析及优化(第一期)。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
18、v11系列产品可靠性分析及优化(第二期)。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
17、动车隔声罩结构仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。
发表论文、著作情况 (*为通信作者):
1 Huili Huang, Wei Ding, Huanfei Jia, Wenjie Zuo, Fei Cheng*. Multiscale fail-safe topology optimization for lattice structures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024.
2 Yu Z, Zhang J, Liu X, Mao C, Li P, Wang Q, Yang K, Chi H, Xu Z*, Cheng F*, Guo Y, Xu Y, Ren L.Superior mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of laser powder bed fusion 7075 Al/TC4 alloy through microstructure design. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024
3 Pengkai Xu, Yong Zhang, Huanfei Jia, Fei Cheng*. A mixed-element phase field method for the fracture analysis of beams. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2024.
4 Liming Zhou*, He Zhu , Zhong Zhang , Fei Cheng*. Electro-mechanical coupling isogeometric analysis of static characteristics in piezoelectric composite materials based on asymptotic homogenization method. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2024.
5 Yong Zhang, Pengkai Xu, Wei Ding, Huanfei Jia, Wei Ouyang, Fei Cheng*. Phase-field simulation of dual-crack system hydrogen embrittlement in metallic materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2024 .
6 Han, QG, Shi, MD, Shi, SQ, Han, JC, Li, Rui, Wei, RB, Dong, B, Zhai, W, Cheng, F*, Li, B*, Han, ZW, Ren, LQ. Research on the multiple successive impact resistant behaviors of biomimetic laminated basalt fiber-reinforced composite with double-twisted Bouligand structure. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2023 .
7 Tong Zhao, Yong Zhang, Yangwei Ou, Wei Ding, Fei Cheng*. Fail‑safe topology optimization considering fatigue. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2023 .
8 Yuqiang Fang ,Yanbing Hu, Fei Cheng. Biomechanical model of cells probing the myosin-II-independent mechanosensing mechanism. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2021.
9 Fei Cheng, Chenggong Zheng, Yunfei Liu, Wenjie Zuo, Xinzhe Wang and Guikai Guo*. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN OF CFRP-LAMINATED STRUCTURES BY COMBINING MICROSCOPICAL HOMOGENIZATION AND MACROSCOPICAL OPTIMIZATION. International Journal of Automotive Technology,2021 .
10 Shuhui Ren, Guangwei Meng, Fei Cheng, Liming Zhou*. Transient responses of functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic structures with holes in thermal environment using stabilized node-based smoothed radial point interpolation method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020.
11 郑成功,刘云飞,王鑫喆,程飞*. 基于渐进均匀化和铺层优化的碳纤维增强复合材料结构设计.第三届东北地区力学学科博士生学术论坛,2019 .
12 Zhou, LM; Ren, SH ; Meng, GW; Li, XL; Cheng, F* , A multi-physics node-based smoothed radial point interpolation method for transient responses of magneto-electro-elastic structures. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019 .
13 Zheng CG, Liu YF, Zuo WJ, Cheng F*. Structural Optimization for Vehicle Laver Plate Structre using Asymptotic Homogenization Method. The World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019 .
14 郑成功,程飞*,左文杰. 短切碳纤维混凝土的多尺度渐进均匀化分析与等效力学性能计算.第二届东北地区力学学科博士生学术论坛,2018 .
15 程飞*,卫宇璇,郑成功,左文杰,姚国凤. 双纤维复合材料板的多尺度等效刚度计算.首届东北地区力学学科博士生学术论坛, 2017 .
16 卫宇璇, 程飞*, 李鹏,唐翌. 车用转速传感器应变的测量研究 东北三省力学学术会议, 2016 .
17 Guikai Guo, Fei Cheng*. Linear Dynamic Reanalysis Using Frequency-Shift Combined Approximations. The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM), 2017 .
18 Zuo WJ, Huang K, Cheng F*. EFESTS: Educational finite element software for truss structure. PartⅢ: Geometrically Nonlinear Static Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2017 .
19 Zuo WJ*, Bai J, Cheng F. EFESTS: Educational finite element software for truss structure. Part I: Preprocess. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2014 .
20 徐涛,程飞*,杜满,郭桂凯,李亦文. 基于迭代组合近似的结构拓扑修改模态重分析方法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版) .
21 刘光洁,徐涛,李俊楼,于征磊,修航,程飞*。燃气轮机过渡段双腔室模型设计及优化,吉林大学学报 2014 .
22 徐涛,邱冰,程飞*,金延中,蒋永洲,赵世佳。基于偶数行Epsilon加速的结构拓扑修改重分析算法,吉林大学学报2011 .
23 Fei Cheng*,Hang Xiu,Tao Xu,Hao Zhang. The Extrapolation method for structural static reanalysis of topological modifications with added degrees of freedom,2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks .
24 Tao Xu , Huen Wai Kai, Fei Cheng*, Guikai Guo,Tatsuo Yoshino.A New Static Reanalysis Method of Topological Modifications with,The Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2010 .
25 徐涛,程飞*,郭桂凯,李亦文,陈静波。结构静态重分析的改进预条件Lanczos方法,机械强度 2010 .
26 徐涛,程飞*,宋广才,禤伟旗,薛冰洋。结构拓扑修改静态重分析的BFGS方法,吉林大学学报工学版2009 .
27 徐涛,于澜,鞠伟,王永利,程飞,陈文峰。线性振动亏损系统广义模态灵敏度的逐层递推演算方法及应用,力学学报 2007 .
28 徐涛,程飞*,于澜,王永利,修航基于预条件Lanczos算法的结构拓扑修改静态重分析方法,吉林大学学报工学版 2007 .
30 徐涛,程飞*,于澜,陈文峰,邱冰。非经典阻尼系统求解,吉林大学学报2006 .
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