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Associate Professor  

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       主要从事计算力学方面研究工作,在结构失效-安全拓扑优化设计、复合材料结构性能预测和优化设计、疲劳断裂失效等方向开展了一系列创新性研究工作,相关研究成果发表于结构优化旗舰期刊《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》、断裂力学领域TOP期刊Engineering Fracture Mechanics》、Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、工程领域TOP期刊《Thin-Walled Structures》、材料力学TOP期刊《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》及计算力学经典期刊《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》《力学学报》等知名期刊上。



[1]L-XH型螺旋消音换热器。吉林省重点新产品计划项目  已结题(负责人)。

[2]CRH3-350转向架焊接变形控制与仿真模拟。长春市科技支撑计划项目子课题 已结题(负责人)

[3]13型警刺设计及工艺研究。北京瑞安祥和商贸有限责任公司 已结题(负责人)

[4]基于重分析理论的简化车身多单元框架结构截面参数快速优化研究。国家自然科学基金 已结题(参加人)。

[5]亏损振动系统快速自适应重分析算法研究。博士点基金 已结题(参加人)。

[6]简化车身框架结构多目标多层次快速优化关键技术研究。吉林省科技发展重大专项 已结题(参加人)。

[7]基于拓扑优化的轿车车身轻量化技术研究。吉林省产业技术研究与开发专项 已结题(参加人)。


[9]地板结构选型及受力仿真分析。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。

[10]分拣设备振动检测及优化设计。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。
[11]车用制动模块框架结构仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

[12]动车组应急梯结构仿真分析。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。

[13]减振材料力学性能测试。横向课题,已结题 (负责人)。

[14]动车制动模块框架结构疲劳及模态仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

[15]动车制动风缸吊带结构仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

[16]系列大跨度高喷车结构件轻量化优化计算。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

[17]v11系列产品可靠性分析及优化(第一期)。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

[18]v11系列产品可靠性分析及优化(第二期)。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

[17]动车隔声罩结构仿真分析。横向课题,在研 (负责人)。

发表论文、著作情况 (*为通信作者):

[31]Wei Ding, Huanfei Jia, Pengkai Xu, Yong Zhang, Fei Cheng*.Multiscale structural concurrent fail-safe topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2025.

[30]Huili Huang, Wei Ding, Huanfei Jia, Wenjie Zuo, Fei Cheng*. Multiscale fail-safe topology optimization for lattice structures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024.

[29]Yu Z, Zhang J, Liu X, Mao C, Li P, Wang Q, Yang K, Chi H, Xu Z*, Cheng F*, Guo Y, Xu Y, Ren L.Superior mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of laser powder bed fusion 7075 Al/TC4 alloy through microstructure design. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024.

[28]Pengkai Xu, Yong Zhang, Huanfei Jia, Fei Cheng*. A mixed-element phase field method for the fracture analysis of beams. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2024.

[27]Liming Zhou*, He Zhu , Zhong Zhang , Fei Cheng*. Electro-mechanical coupling isogeometric analysis of static characteristics in piezoelectric composite materials based on asymptotic homogenization  method. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2024.
[26]Yong Zhang, Pengkai Xu, Wei Ding, Huanfei Jia, Wei Ouyang, Fei Cheng*. Phase-field simulation of dual-crack system hydrogen embrittlement in metallic materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture  Mechanics, 2024 .

[25]Han, QG, Shi, MD, Shi, SQ, Han, JC, Li, Rui, Wei, RB, Dong, B, Zhai, W, Cheng, F*, Li, B*, Han, ZW, Ren, LQ. Research on the multiple successive impact resistant behaviors of biomimetic laminated basalt fiber-reinforced composite with double-twisted Bouligand structure. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2023 .

[24]Tong Zhao, Yong Zhang, Yangwei Ou, Wei Ding, Fei Cheng*. Fail‑safe topology optimization considering fatigue. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2023.

[23]Yuqiang Fang ,Yanbing Hu, Fei Cheng. Biomechanical model of cells probing the myosin-II-independent mechanosensing mechanism. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2021.

[22]Fei Cheng, Chenggong Zheng, Yunfei Liu, Wenjie Zuo, Xinzhe Wang and Guikai Guo*. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN OF CFRP-LAMINATED STRUCTURES BY COMBINING MICROSCOPICAL HOMOGENIZATION AND MACROSCOPICAL OPTIMIZATION. International Journal of Automotive Technology,2021 .

[21]Shuhui Ren, Guangwei Meng, Fei Cheng, Liming Zhou*. Transient responses of functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic structures with holes in thermal environment using stabilized node-based smoothed radial point interpolation method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020.

[20]郑成功,刘云飞,王鑫喆,程飞*.  基于渐进均匀化和铺层优化的碳纤维增强复合材料结构设计.第三届东北地区力学学科博士生学术论坛,2019 .

[19]Zhou, LM; Ren, SH  ; Meng, GW; Li, XL; Cheng, F* , A multi-physics node-based smoothed radial point interpolation method for transient responses of magneto-electro-elastic structures. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019 .

[18]Zheng CG, Liu YF, Zuo WJ, Cheng F*. Structural Optimization for Vehicle Laver Plate Structre using Asymptotic Homogenization Method. The World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019 .

[17]郑成功,程飞*,左文杰.  短切碳纤维混凝土的多尺度渐进均匀化分析与等效力学性能计算.第二届东北地区力学学科博士生学术论坛,2018 .

[16]程飞*,卫宇璇,郑成功,左文杰,姚国凤.  双纤维复合材料板的多尺度等效刚度计算.首届东北地区力学学科博士生学术论坛, 2017 .

[15]卫宇璇,  程飞*,  李鹏,唐翌.  车用转速传感器应变的测量研究  东北三省力学学术会议, 2016 .

[14]Guikai Guo, Fei Cheng*. Linear Dynamic Reanalysis Using Frequency-Shift Combined Approximations. The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM), 2017 .

[13]Zuo WJ, Huang K, Cheng F*. EFESTS: Educational finite element software for truss structure. PartⅢ: Geometrically Nonlinear Static Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education,   2017 .

[12]Zuo WJ*, Bai J, Cheng F. EFESTS: Educational finite element software for truss structure. Part I: Preprocess. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2014 .

[11]徐涛,程飞*,杜满,郭桂凯,李亦文. 基于迭代组合近似的结构拓扑修改模态重分析方法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版) .

[10]刘光洁,徐涛,李俊楼,于征磊,修航,程飞*。燃气轮机过渡段双腔室模型设计及优化,吉林大学学报 ,2014 .

[9]徐涛,邱冰,程飞*,金延中,蒋永洲,赵世佳。基于偶数行Epsilon加速的结构拓扑修改重分析算法,吉林大学学报, 2011 .

[8]Fei Cheng*,Hang Xiu,Tao Xu,Hao Zhang. The Extrapolation method for structural static reanalysis of topological modifications with added degrees of freedom,2011 International Conference on  Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks .

[7]Tao Xu , Huen Wai Kai, Fei Cheng*, Guikai Guo,Tatsuo Yoshino.A New Static Reanalysis Method of Topological Modifications with,The Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2010 .

[6]徐涛,程飞*,郭桂凯,李亦文,陈静波。结构静态重分析的改进预条件Lanczos方法,机械强度, 2010 .

[5]徐涛,程飞*,宋广才,禤伟旗,薛冰洋。结构拓扑修改静态重分析的BFGS方法,吉林大学学报工学版, 2009 .

[4]徐涛,于澜,鞠伟,王永利,程飞,陈文峰。线性振动亏损系统广义模态灵敏度的逐层递推演算方法及应用,力学学报 2007 .

[3]徐涛,程飞*,于澜,王永利,修航基于预条件Lanczos算法的结构拓扑修改静态重分析方法,吉林大学学报工学版, 2007 .


[1]徐涛,程飞*,于澜,陈文峰,邱冰。非经典阻尼系统求解,吉林大学学报, 2006 .

Education Background

2005.9 2008.6

  • 吉林大学
  • 固体力学

2003.9 2005.6

  • 吉林大学
  • 固体力学

1998.9 2002.6

  • 吉林大学
  • 工程力学

Work Experience

2008.8 2013.10
  • 吉林大学机械与航空航天工程学院
  • 讲师
2013.10 Now
  • 吉林大学机械与航空航天工程学院
  • 副教授

Social Affiliations

Research Focus