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  • 主要任职 : 博士生导师,吉林大学唐敖庆学者“英才教授”


田宏伟,工学博士、教授、博士研究生导师。国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、教育部青年人才计划评审专家、吉林大学唐敖庆学者英才教授、吉林省高层次C类人才。从事能源转换和存储材料研究,主持2项国家自然科学基金项目、1项国防项目、8项省部级项目和5项企业横向项目,可支配经费500万元。在Adv. Mater.Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.Acta Mater.等上发表SCI收录论文152篇,SCI他引4100(h-index = 33),获授权国家发明专利25件。参与编写专著一部《薄膜材料与薄膜技术》(参与第六章编写)2008年获吉林省科技进步一等奖(第六)2016年获吉林省自然科学一等奖(第五)2021年获吉林省自然科学二等奖(第一)2023年获吉林省自然科学二等奖(第六)2019年入选英国皇家化学会高被引作者、2023年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。担任Nat. Commun.Coordin. Chem. Rev.Appl. Catal. B-Environ.Small等百多种知名SCI期刊特邀审稿人;兼任Frontiers in Chemistry评审编辑、中国化学会高级会员、东北地区X射线专业委员会委员、中国仪表功能材料学会理事、吉林省检测技术学会理事、中国感光学会光催化专业委员会会员等。

(个人链接:http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4111-1087ResearcherID: D-4592-2011)












2002.09-2005.07 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院,材料物理与化学专业,博士生

1999.09-2002.07 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院,材料物理与化学专业,硕士生

1995.09-1999.07 吉林大学材料科学系,材料科学与工程专业,大学本科




2016.09-至今 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师







(1) 石墨烯基纳米复合材料的绿色合成及其光催化降解有机染料的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,83万,2015.01-2018.12,项目负责人。

(2) 石墨烯——金属氧化物纳米复合材料的制备及场发射性质研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,20万,2011.01-2013.12,项目负责人。

(3) 镍矿提取物——镍黄铁矿基高性能电解水制氢催化剂的研究,吉林省科技厅重点研发计划(产业关键核心技术攻关项目)50万,2022.07-2025.06,项目负责人。

(4) 羟基氟化物基水系超级电容电池,吉林省自然科学基金,15万,2024.01-2026.12,项目负责人。

(5) 石墨烯/二硫化钼助催化剂提升半导体催化剂的光催化性能,吉林省科技厅国际合作项目,15万,2020.01-2022.12,项目负责人。

(6) 染料污水处理用可见光催化剂的开发,吉林省发改委产业技术研究与开发项目,20万,2019.01-2020.12,项目负责人。

(7) 钙钛矿结构电极材料的制备及其在超级电容器中的应用,吉林省自然科学基金,15万,2018.01-2020.12,项目负责人。

(8) 石墨烯与二氧化钛复合材料的制备及其光催化性能研究,吉林省自然科学基金,8万,2014.01-2016.12,项目负责人。

(9) 石墨烯基纳米复合材料的制备及性能研究,吉林省自然科学基金,5万,2011.01-2013.12,项目负责人。

(10) 染料废水处理用三元光催化剂的研制,吉林省教育厅十三五科学技术重点项目,5万,2017.01-2018.12,项目负责人。

(11) 宽幅超薄高性能介质薄膜材料关键技术研发,安徽铜爱电子材料有限公司,横向课题,20万,2023.06-2026.05,项目负责人。

(12) 基于铌酸锶钡光存储材料的开发,长春奥普光电技术股份有限公司,横向课题,80万,2018.05-2023.12,项目负责人。

(13) 基于石墨烯/半导体纳米光电材料的开发,长春光机科技发展有限责任公司,横向课题,40万,2017.03-2020.12,项目负责人。

(14) 基于石墨烯/半导体纳米复合物光电材料的开发,长春光机科技发展有限责任公司,横向课题,40万,2017.01-2020.12,项目负责人。

(15) 一种新型电磁动力系统基础元件的开发,长春市大平号网络科技有限公司,横向课题,30万,2019.01-2022.12,项目负责人。

(16) 二氧化钛/氧化锌——石墨烯复合材料制备及其场发射性质研究,吉林大学科学前沿与交叉学科创新项目,5万,2009.12-2011.12,项目负责人。

(17) 石墨烯基复合材料的制备及其性能研究,吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室开放课题,4万,2012.01-2013.12,项目负责人。

(18) 氧化石墨烯与二氧化钛复合材料的制备及其光催化性能研究,汽车材料教育部重点实验室开放课题,5万,2013.03-2014.03,项目负责人。

(19) 高能量/高功率电池型超级电容器-离子插层储能的电极材料构筑,国家自然科学基金重点项目,300万,2020.01-2024.12,排名第三。

(20) 氢能源及应用技术工程研究中心自主创新能力建设,吉林省发改委自主创新能力建设项目,25万,2021.01-2022.12,排名第二。

(21) 轨道客车动态储能超级电容器的研制,吉林省重大科技攻关项目,300万,2012.01-2013.12,排名第六。

(22) 石墨片及其复合体系的电子结构调制与功能化研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,180万,2009.01-2013.12,排名第五。

(23) 石墨烯纳米片化学分子传感器的应用基础研究,吉林省科技厅国际合作项目,10万,2009.08-2011.12,排名第三。

(24) 石墨片纳米带的元素掺杂与电子结构调制,教育部博士点基金,6万,2009.01-2011.12,排名第三。




(1) 一种氧化石墨烯与氧化钛纳米粒子复合材料的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2013.03.14,授权日:2015.01.07,授权号:ZL201310080088.8,发明人:田宏伟,郑伟涛,金春吉。

(2) 一种石墨烯和碳纳米管复合材料的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2013.09.05,授权日:2015.09.09,授权号:ZL201310400909.1,发明人:田宏伟,郑伟涛,丁媛媛,胡小颖,安涛。

(3) 一种二氧化钛-石墨烯-硫化镉复合材料的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2016.02.01,授权日:2018.07.06,授权号:ZL201610068733.8,发明人:田宏伟,郑伟涛,万晨星。

(4) 石墨烯量子点-石墨烯-二氧化钛复合材料的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2016.02.01,授权日:2018.09.07,授权号:ZL201610068729.1,发明人:田宏伟,郑伟涛,沈凯。

(5) 一种氮硫共掺二氧化钛/石墨烯量子点异质结的一步合成方法,中国专利,申请日:2017.01.23,授权日:2019.01.25,授权号:ZL201710050762.6,发明人:田宏伟,沈凯,郑伟涛。

(6) 一种复合电极材料及其制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2018.04.17,授权日:2019.07.19,授权号:ZL201810345079.X,发明人:田宏伟,郎雪芹,郑伟涛,胡小颖。

(7) 一种析氢电催化剂及其制备方法与应用,中国专利,申请日:2019.09.20,授权日:2021.02.23,授权号:ZL201910891437.1,发明人:田宏伟,吴一县,郑伟涛。

(8) 一种空心球形电极材料及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,申请日:2020.03.04,授权日:2021.04.09,授权号:ZL202010142266.5,发明人:田宏伟,孟泽硕,徐简。

(9) 一种Ni4OHF7电极材料及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,申请日:2021.04.21,授权日:2021.12.10,授权号:ZL202110428525.5,发明人:田宏伟,时玮,孟泽硕。

(10) 一种采用射频磁控溅射法制备二氧化钒薄膜的方法,中国专利,申请日:2021.11.18,授权日:2022.09.13,授权号:ZL202111370877.6,发明人:田宏伟,刘鸿旭,杨俊,于陕升。

(11) 一种微波吸收材料rGO/SiC/CoFe2O4的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2022.02.16,授权日:2023.03.28,授权号:ZL202210142281.9,发明人:田宏伟,王嘉毅,胡超权,于陕升,郑伟涛。

(12) 一种高熵金属氧化物材料的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2022.07.21,授权日: 2023.07.14,授权号:ZL202210859252.4,发明人:田宏伟,徐梓晋,孟泽硕,胡超权,郑伟涛。

(13) 一种金属氧化物制备的普适性方法,中国专利,申请日:2022.10.31,授权日:2023.10.31,授权号:ZL202211343169.8,发明人:田宏伟,曾繁达,徐梓晋,孟泽硕,胡小颖。

(14) 一种Fe5Ni4S8-Ni3S2/NF双功能复合电催化剂及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,申请日:2021.12.22,授权日:2023.11.10,授权号:ZL202111577875.4,发明人:田宏伟,崔亚楠,张琛旭,郑伟涛。

(15) 一种CoFe2O4介孔型碳核壳吸波材料的制备及应用,中国专利,申请日:2022.09.22,授权日:2024.01.26,授权号:ZL202211154400.9,发明人:田宏伟,万春豪,胡超权,于陕升。

(16) 一种Fe5Ni4S8析氢电催化材料的制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2020.03.13,授权日:2024.03.22,授权号:ZL202010173999.5,发明人:田宏伟,张琛旭,郑伟涛。

(17) 一种高活性Fe5Ni4S8纳米颗粒/3D多孔碳复合电催化剂的制备方法及应用,中国专利,申请日:2022.10.20,授权日:2024.06.04,授权号:ZL202211286062.4,发明人:田宏伟,张琛旭,崔亚楠,于陕升,胡超权,郑伟涛。

(18) 一种Fe5Ni4S8析氧电极材料的制备方法及应用,中国专利,申请日:2022.10.14,授权日:2024.06.25,授权号:ZL202211256515.9,发明人:田宏伟,都政言,于陕升,郑伟涛。

(19) 一种磷掺杂镍黄铁矿电催化剂及其制备方法,中国专利,申请日:2022.10.11,授权日:2024.07.09,授权号:ZL202211237910.2,发明人:田宏伟,李雅欣,胡超权,于陕升,郑伟涛。








(1) 孟泽硕(硕士)2024年度吉林大学十佳硕士研究生

(2) 万晨星(硕士)2016年研究生国家奖学金

(3) 孟泽硕(硕士)2021年研究生国家奖学金

(4) 崔亚楠(硕士)2022年研究生国家奖学金

(5) 都政言(硕士)2023年研究生国家奖学金

(6) 万晨星(硕士)2018年吉林省优秀硕士学位论文

(7)   (硕士)2019年吉林省优秀硕士学位论文

(8) 吴一县(硕士)2022年吉林省优秀硕士学位论文

(9) 万晨星(硕士)2017年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(10)   (硕士)2018年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(11) 郎雪芹(硕士)2019年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(12) 吴一县(硕士)2021年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(13) 王雅楠(硕士)2022年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(14) 时玮(硕士)2023年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(15) 权巍(硕士)2023年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(16) 崔亚楠(硕士)2023年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(17) 都政言(硕士)2024年吉林大学优秀硕士学位论文

(18)   (博士)2016年第三十届精英杯学术成果大奖赛一等奖

(19) 万晨星(硕士)2017年第三十一届精英杯学术成果大奖赛三等奖

(20)   (硕士)2018年第三十二届精英杯学术成果大奖赛三等奖

(21) 郎雪芹(硕士)2018年第三十二届精英杯学术成果大奖赛三等奖




(1) Y.X. Li, X. Zou, C. Wang, J. Xu, Z.Y. Du, Z.S. Meng, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng, Promoted surface reconstruction of pentlandite by phosphorus-doping for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024,676: 177-185. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(2) Y.T. Zhao, Z.S. Meng, J. Xu, Z.Y. Du, Z.Y. Hao, S.L. Wang, H.W. Tian*, Z.Q. Niu, D.W. Su, Effect of Fe-doping induced by valence modulation engineering on nickel hydroxylfluoride cathode of hybrid supercapacitors, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2024, accept. 化学1区,IF=6.1

(3) H.B. Wang#, Y.Q. Ning#, Q. Tang, X.Y. Li, M.D. Hao, Q. Wei, T.T. Zhao, D.Q. Lv, H.W. Tian*, Ultrathin 2D/2D ZnIn2S4/La2Ti2O7 Nanosheets with Z-scheme heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Dalton Transactions, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01559B. 化学3区,无机化学与核化学2区,IF=3.5

(4) R.L. Zhang#, Z.J. Xu#, Zeyu Hao, Z.S. Meng*, X.F. Hao*, H.W. Tian*, Research advances of metal fluoride for energy conversion and storage, Carbon Energy, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/cey2.630. 材料科学1区,IF=19.5

(5) J. Xu#, X.L. Gong#, Z.S. Meng, P.Y. Chen, H.S. Nan, Y.X. Li, T. Deng, D. Wang, Y. Zeng, X.Y. Hu, H.W. Tian*, Z.Q. Niu, W.T. Zheng*, Bi-interlayer strategy for modulating NiCoP-based heterostructure toward high-performance aqueous energy storage devices, Advanced Materials, 2004, 36(29): 2401452. 材料科学1区,IF=27.4

(6) C. Wang, H.L. Tu, Z.Y. Hao, Y.X. Li, J. Xu, X.Y. Hu, S.S. Yu, H.W. Tian*, Novel amorphous FeOOH-modified Co9S8 nanosheets with enhanced catalytic activity in oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 669: 965-975. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(7) Y.Q. Ning, S. Wang, H.B. Wang, W. Quan, D.Q. Lv, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Novel hollow core-shell Zn0.5Cd0.5S@ZnIn2S4/MoS2 nanocages with Z-Scheme heterojunction for enhanced photocatalysis of hydrogen generation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 662: 928-940. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(8) Z.J. Xu#, Z.Y. Du#, R.L. Zhang, F.D. Zeng, Z.S. Meng*, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Regulating the lattice strain field by high-entropy strategy to realize the conformal growth of perovskites for efficient oxygen evolution, Applied Catalysis B-Environment and Energy, 2024, 344: 123668. 化学1区,IF=20.2

(9) Z.Y. Du#, Z.S. Meng#, H.T. Sun, Y.F. Li, C. Jiang, Y.X. Li, X.Y. Hu*, Y. Cui*, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Exploring the role of iron in Fe5Ni4S8 toward oxygen evolution through modulation of electronic orbital occupancy, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2024, 92: 52-62. 化学1区,IF=14

(10) Z.Y. Du#, Z.S. Meng#, X.L. Gong, Z.Y. Hao, X. Li, H.T. Sun*, X.Y. Hu*, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, High-Spin state iron drives rapid surface reconstruction of pentlandite to enhance efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2024, 63(6): e202317022. 化学1区,IF=16.1

(11) F.D. Zeng, X.L. Gong, Z.J. Xu, Z.Y. Du, J. Xu, T. Deng, D. Wang, Y. Zeng, S.S. Yu, Z.S. Meng*, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, A new selection criterion for voltage window of aqueous zinc ion hybrid capacitors: achieving a balance between energy density and cycle stability, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11(48): 26698-26706. 材料科学2区,IF=10.7

(12)  Z.S. Meng, Z.J. Xu, Z.Y. Du, T. Deng, D. Wang, Y. Zeng, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Prediction of future breakthroughs in materials synthesis and manufacturing techniques: a new perspective of synthesis dynamics theory, Materials Horizons, 2023, 10(12): 5343-5353. 材料科学2区,IF=12.2

(13)  C.H. Wan#, R. Yan#, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Wang*, H.W. Tian*, Novel ternary core-shell structure with microwave absorption properties and low infrared emissivity, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(22): 36516-36527. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(14)  R.L. Zhang#, Z.J. Xu#, Z.Y. Du#, Y.C. Wan, S.J. Yuan, F.D. Zeng, J. Xu, Z.S. Meng*, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Electrodeposition of self-supported high-entropy spinel oxides for stable oxygen evolution, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62(46): 19052-19059. 化学2区,无机化学与核化学1区,IF=4.3

(15)  C.X. Zhang, Y.N. Cui, C. Jiang, Y.X. Li, Z.S. Meng, C. Wang, Z.Y. Du, S.S. Yu, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng, Unveiling interfacial effects for efficient and stable hydrogen evolution reaction on ruthenium nanoparticles-embedded pentlandite composites, Small, 2023, 19(44): 2301721. 材料科学2区,物理:应用1区,IF=13

(16)  Z.Y. Hao#, Z.Y. Du#, T. Deng, D. Wang, Y. Zeng, S.S. Yu, Z.S. Meng*, X.Y. Hu*, X.F. Hao*, H.W. Tian*, Enhancing electrostatic potential difference of high entropy perovskite fluorides by ligand modification for promoted dynamic reconstruction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11(42): 22884-22890. 材料科学2区,IF=10.7

(17)  Z.Y. Du#, Z.S. Meng#, Z.Y. Hao, S.S. Yu*, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Enhancing reconstruction reaction kinetics by inner electric potential engineering for high-performance aqueous supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474: 145885. 工程技术1区,IF=13.3

(18)  W. Shi, C. Jiang, Z.S. Meng, J. Xu, S.L. Wang, H.S. Nan, Y.T. Zhao, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Novel Co-doped nickel hydroxyfluorides with rapid electron transfer for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 959: 170558. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(19)  H.S. Nan, K.X. Song, J. Xu., S.H. Lv, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Dual-ion (de)intercalation into high-entropy perovskite oxides for aqueous alkaline battery-supercapacitor hybrid devices, Acta Materialia, 2023, 257: 119174. 材料科学1区,IF=8.3

(20)  Z.J. Xu#, Z.Y. Du#, Z.S. Meng#, R.L. Zhang, F.D. Zeng, J. Xu, B.H. Long*, H.W. Tian*, A novel template processing method for preparing spinel oxides with various morphologies to assemble high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 955: 170284. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(21)  Z.Y. Du#, Z.S. Meng#, C. Jiang, C.X. Zhang, Y.N. Cui, Y.X. Li, C. Wang, X.Y. Hu*, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Enhanced reconstruction of Fe5Ni4S8 by implanting pyrrolidone to unlock efficient oxygen evolution, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 84: 112-121. 化学1区,IF=14

(22)  Z.S. Meng#, Z.J. Xu#, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng*, Insights into high entropy material synthesis dynamics criteria based on thermodynamic framework, Materials Horizons, 2023, 10(9): 3293-3303. 材料科学2区,IF=12.2

(23)  Z.Y. Hao#, C. Jiang#, Z.J. Xu, Z.Y. Du, J. Xu, W. Shi, Z.S. Meng*, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Reasonably optimized structure of Iron-doped cobalt hydroxylfluoride for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 644: 64-72. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(24)  C.H. Wan, J.Y. Wang, Z.X. Li, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Wang*, H.W. Tian*, Optimized impedance matching and enhanced attenuation by heteroatoms doping of yolk-shell CoFe2O4@HCN as highly efficient microwave absorbers, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(13): 21613-21623. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(25)  Y.N. Cui, C.X. Zhang, Y.X. Li, Z.Y. Du, C. Wang, S.S. Yu, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng, Active-site-enriched dendritic crystal Co/Fe-doped Ni3S2 electrocatalysts for efficient oxygen evolution reaction, Dalton Transactions, 2023, 52: 8747-8755. 化学3区,无机化学与核化学2区,IF=3.5

(26)  W. Quan, J.Y. Bao, X.J. Meng, Y.Q. Ning, Y.N. Cui, X.Y. Hu, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, 2D/2D Z-scheme photocatalyst of g-C3N4 and plasmonic Bi metal deposited Bi2WO6: Enhanced separation and migration of photoinduced charges, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 946: 169396. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(27)  J.Y. Zhang#, X.L. Gong#, X. Li, F.D. Zeng, Z.Y. Hao, Z.Y. Du, J. Xu, Z.S. Meng*, B.H. Long*, S.S. Yu, H.W. Tian*, Electron-ion conjugation sites co-constructed by defects and heteroatoms assisted carbon electrodes for high-performance aqueous energy storage, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 640: 600-609化学1区,IF=9.4

(28)  J.Y. Zhang#, Z.Y. Du#, T.Y. Yan, F.D. Zeng, Z.J. Xu, J. Xu, Z.S. Meng*, X.Y. Hu*, J.X. Zhao*, H.W. Tian*, Enhancing redox kinetics by electron orbital modulation for high-performance aqueous energy storage, Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 60: 102831. 材料科学1区,IF=18.9

(29)  F.D. Zeng#, Z.S. Meng#, Z.J. Xu, J. Xu, W. Shi, H.L. Wang, X.Y. Hu, H.W. Tian*, Biomass-derived porous activated carbon for ultra-high performance supercapacitor applications and high flux removal of pollutants from water, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(10): 15377-15386. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(30)  J.Y. Wang, C.H. Wan, Q. Tang, J. Xu, N.X. Xu, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Wang*, H.W. Tian*, Hydrothermal synthesis of rGO/Al/CoFe2O4 with low infrared emissivity and strong microwave absorption, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(8): 12814-12821. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(31)  C.X. Zhang, C. Jiang, Q. Tang, Z.S. Meng, Y.X. Li, Y.N. Wang, Y.N. Cui, W. Shi, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng*, Structure-catalytic functionality of size-facet-performance in pentlandite nanoparticles, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 78: 438-446. 化学1区,IF=14

(32)  L.Z. Huang#, J.Y. Bao#, W. Quan, X.Y. Li, T.T. Zhao, Y.Q. Ning, W.T. Lu, K.H. Liu, F.Y. Ren, H.W. Tian*, Design and synthesis of Z-scheme LaFeO3/MoS2/graphene heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 934: 167948. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(33)  Z.S. Meng, X.L. Gong, J. Xu, X.C. Sun, F.D. Zeng, Z.Y. Du, Z.Y. Hao, W. Shi, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, A general strategy for preparing hollow spherical multilayer structures of Oxygen-Rich vacancy transition metal Oxides, especially high entropy perovskite oxides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 457: 141242. 工程技术1区,IF=13.3

(34)  X.C. Sun#, Z.S. Meng#, Z.Y. Hao, Z.Y. Du, J. Xu, H.S. Nan, W. Shi, F.D. Zeng, X.Y. Hu, H.W. Tian*, Efficient fabrication of flower-like core–shell nanochip arrays of lanthanum manganate and nickel cobaltate for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 630: 618-628. 化学1区,IF=9.4ESI Highly Cited Paper

(35)  H.S. Nan, S.H. Lv, Z.J. Xu, Y. Feng, Y.X. Zhou, M. Liu, T.L. Wang, X.J. Liu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Inducing the cocktail effect in yolk-shell high-entropy perovskite oxides using an electronic structural design for improved electrochemical applications, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452: 139501. 工程技术1区,IF=13.3

(36)  J.Y. Bao#, W. Quan#, Y.Q. Ning, H.B. Wang, Q. Wei, L.Z. Huang, W.J. Zhang, Y.X. Ma, X.Y. Hu, H.W. Tian*, Efficient visible-light-driven tetracycline degradation and Cr(VI) reduction over a LaNi1-xFexO3(0≤x≤1)/g-C3N4 type-II heterojunction photocatalyst, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62(3): 1086-1094. 化学2区,无机化学与核化学1区,IF=4.3

(37)  W. Shi#, Z.S. Meng#, Z.J. Xu, J. Xu, X.C. Sun, H.S. Nan, C.X. Zhang, S.S. Yu*, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Controllable vacancy strategy mediated by organic ligands of nickel fluoride alkoxides for high-performance aqueous energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11(3): 1169-1179. 材料科学2区,IF=10.7

(38)  Y.N. Wang#, Z.Y. Du#, J. Xu, Z.S. Meng, C.X. Zhang, Y.N. Cui, Y.X. Li, C. Jiang, Y. Zeng*, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Improved catalytic activity and stability of Co9S8 by Se incorporation for efficient oxygen evolution reaction, Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61(51): 21139-21147. 化学2区,无机化学与核化学1区,IF=4.3

(39)  Y.X. Li, C. Jiang, Y.L. Yang, C.X. Zhang, J. Xu, Y. Zeng, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng*, Surface reconstruction and sulfur vacancies engineering in pentlandite for improving hydrogen evolution reaction, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 604: 154470. 材料科学2区,IF=6.3

(40)  Y.N. Cui#, C.X. Zhang#, Q. Tang, Y.N. Wang, Y.X. Li, W. Quan, W. Shi, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng, The charge transport double-channel structure facilitating Fe5Ni4S8/Ni3S2 nanoarray for efficient and stable overall water splitting, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 604: 154473. 材料科学2区,IF=6.3

(41)  J.Y. Wang, S.H. Hu, Q. Tang, N.X. Xu, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Wang*, H.W. Tian*, One-pot hydrothermally prepared rGO/SiC/CoFe2O4 composites with strong microwave absorption at different thicknesses, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(20): 30640-30650. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(42)  Z.Y. Hao#, Z.S. Meng#, X.Y. Li, X.C. Sun, J. Xu, H.S. Nan, W. Shi, G.J. Qi, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Two-step fabrication of lanthanum nickelate and nickel oxide core-shell dandelion-like materials for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 617: 430-441. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(43)  X.C. Sun, Z.Y. Hao, F.D. Zeng, J. Xu, H.S. Nan, Z.S. Meng, J. Yang, W. Shi, Y. Zeng, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Coaxial cable-like dual conductive channel strategy in polypyrrole coated perovskite lanthanum manganite for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 610: 601-609. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(44)  Y.N. Wang, Z.S. Meng, X.L. Gong, C. Jiang, C.X. Zhang, J. Xu, Y.X. Li, J.Y. Bao, Y.N. Cui, H.B. Wang, Y. Zeng, X.Y. Hu*, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Enhancing stability of Co9S8 by iron incorporation for oxygen evolution reaction and supercapacitor electrodes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 431: 133980. 工程技术1区,IF=13.3

(45)  J.Y. Bao, X.T. Jiang, L.Z. Huang, W. Quan, C.X. Zhang, Y.N. Wang, H.B. Wang, Y. Zeng, W.J. Zhang, Y.X. Ma, S.S. Yu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Molybdenum disulfide loading on a z-scheme graphitic carbon nitride and lanthanum nickelate heterojunction for enhanced photocatalysis: Interfacial charge transfer and mechanistic insights, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 611: 684-694. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(46)  J. Xu, Z.S. Meng, Z.Y. Hao, X.C. Sun, H.S. Nan, H.X. Liu, Y.N. Wang, W. Shi, H.W. Tian*, X.Y. Hu*, Oxygen-vacancy abundant alpha bismuth oxide with enhanced cycle stability for high-energy hybrid supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 609: 878-889. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(47)  L.G. Lu, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Theoretical insight into surface structures of pentlandite toward hydrogen evolution, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 607: 645-654. 化学1区,IF=9.4

(48)  J. Yang, H.X. Liu, F.D. Zeng, C.X. Zhang, J. Xu, L.G. Lu, Y.N. Wang, J.Y. Bao, X.C. Sun, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Facile Preparation of VO2 Films with Enhanced Luminous Transmittance and Infrared Modulation Ability, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021, 3(11): 4793-4802. 材料科学3区,IF=4.3

(49)  C.X. Zhang#, Y.N. Cui#, Y.L. Yang, L.G. Lu, S.S. Yu, Z.S. Meng, Y.X. Wu, Y.X. Li, Y.N. Wang, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng*, Highly conductive amorphous pentlandite anchored with ultrafine platinum nanoparticles for efficient pH-Universal hydrogen evolution reaction, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(45): 2105372. 材料科学1区,IF=18

(50)  Y.X. Wu, Z.S. Meng, X.Q. Fang, Y.X. Li, J.Y. Bao, C.X. Zhang, Y.N. Wang, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng, Co-doped pyrrhotite Fe7S8 nanosheets as bifunctional electrocatalysts for water splitting, Ceramics International, 2021, 47(18): 26484-26491. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(51)  X.C. Sun#, Z.Y. Hao#, H.S. Nan, J. Xu, H.W. Tian*, Silver decorated lanthanum calcium manganate for electrochemical supercapacitor, Materials Research Express, 2021, 8(7): 075502. 材料科学4区,IF=1.8

(52)  W.J. Zhang, Y.X. Ma, X.H. Zhu*, S.J. Liu, T. An, J.Y. Bao, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Fabrication of Ag decorated g-C3N4/LaFeO3 Z-scheme heterojunction as highly efficient visible-light photocatalyst for degradation of methylene blue and tetracycline hydrochloride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 864: 158914. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(53)  M. Liu, H.S. Nan, X.Y. Hu*, W.J. Zhang, L. Qiao, Y. Zeng, H.W. Tian*, Graphene decorated iron oxide negative electrodes with high capacity, excellent rate performance, and wide working voltage for aqueous battery-supercapacitor hybrid devices, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 864: 158147. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(54)  Y.X. Wu, Y.L. Yang, Y.X. Li, C.X. Zhang, Y.N. Wang, H.W. Tian*, Highly efficient hybrid electrocatalyst Fe4.5Ni4.5S8/Fe7S8 extracted from nickel ore for hydrogen evolution reaction, Ceramics International, 2021, 47(9): 12002-12009. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1

(55)  Z.S. Meng, B. Zhou, J. Xu, Y.X. Li, X.Y. Hu, H.W. Tian*, Heterostructured Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doped Black TiO2/g-C3N4 Photocatalyst with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2020, 36(6): 1045-1052. 化学4区,IF=3.1

(56)  Z.S. Meng#, J. Xu#, P.X. Yu, X.Y. Hu, Y.X. Wu, Q. Zhang, Y.X. Li, L. Qiao, Y. Zeng, H.W. Tian*, Double perovskite La2CoMnO6 hollow spheres prepared by template impregnation for high-performance supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400: 125966. 工程技术1区,IF=13.3

(57)  C.X. Zhang, H.S. Nan, H.W. Tian*, W.T. Zheng*, Recent advances in pentlandites for electrochemical water splitting: A short review, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 838: 155685. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(58)  H.S. Nan, M. Liu, W.J. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J. Xu, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, One-step synthesis of NiCo2S4 with high electrochemical performance used for hybrid capacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 832: 155037. 材料科学2区,IF=5.8

(59)  H.S. Nan, M. Liu, Q. Zhang, M. Wang, S.J. Liu, L. Qiao, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Intrinsic energy-storage mechanism of low crystallinity nickel-cobalt sulfide as anode material for supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 451: 227822. 工程技术2区,IF=8.1

(60)  Q. Zhang, M. Liu, S.J. Liu, L. Qiao, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Z-scheme g-C3N4/BiVO4 Photocatalysts with RGO as Electron Transport Accelerator, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(1): 667-676. 工程技术4区,IF=2.8

(61)  X.Y. Hu, Q. Zhang, H.S. Nan, M. Wang, L. Qiao, H.W. Tian*, Heterojunction Cu2O/RGO/BiVO4 ternary nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic activities towards degradation of rhodamine B and tetracycline hydrochloride, New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43(46): 18240-18250. 化学3区,IF=2.7

(62)  H.W. Tian, X.Q. Lang, H.S. Nan, P. An, W. Zhang, X.Y. Hu*, J.S. Zhang*, Nanosheet-assembled LaMnO3@NiCo2O4 nanoarchitecture growth on Ni foam for high power density supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 318: 651-659. 材料科学3区,电化学2区,IF=5.5

(63)  B. Zhou, H.T. Hong, H.F. Zhang, S.S. Yu*, H.W. Tian*, Heterostructured Ag/g-C3N4/TiO2 with enhanced visible light photocatalytic performances, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2019, 94(12): 3806-3814. 工程技术4区,IF=2.8

(64)  X.Y. Hu, H.S. Nan, M. Liu, S.J. Liu, T. An*, H.W. Tian*, Battery-like MnCo2O4 electrode materials combined with active carbon for hybrid supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 306: 599-609. 材料科学3区,电化学2区,IF=5.52020年入选ESI Highly Cited Paper

(65)  Y.X. Li, H.T. Hong, X. Xue, Z. Zhang, H.W. Tian*, MoS2 as cocatalyst for improving photocatalytic performance of Bi2MoO6, ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4(18): 5222-5227. 化学4区,IF=1.9

(66)  X.Q. Lang, X.C. Sun, Z.T. Liu, H.S. Nan, C.L. Li, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Ag nanoparticles decorated perovskite La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 as electrode materials for supercapacitors, Materials Letters, 2019, 243: 34-37. 材料科学4区,IF=2.7

(67)  H.S. Nan, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Recent advances in perovskite oxides for anion-intercalation supercapacitor: A review, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2019, 94: 35-50. 工程技术3区,IF=4.2. 2020年入选ESI Highly Cited Paper

(68)  X.Q. Lang, H.F. Zhang, X. Xue, C.L. Li, X.C. Sun, Z.T. Liu, H.S. Nan, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Rational design of La0.85Sr0.15MnO3@NiCo2O4 core-shell architecture supported on Ni foam for high performance supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 402: 213-220. 工程技术2区,IF=8.1

(69)  H.W. Tian*, M. Liu, W.T. Zheng*, Constructing 2D graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets/layered MoS2/graphene ternary nanojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2018, 225: 468-476. 化学1区,IF=20.2ESI Highly Cited Paper

(70)  H.Y. Mo, H.S. Nan, X.Q. Lang, S.J. Liu, L. Qiao, X.Y. Hu*, H.W. Tian*, Influence of calcium doping on performance of LaMnO3 supercapacitors, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(8): 9733-9741. 材料科学2区,硅酸盐1区,IF=5.1


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