学位:博士 性别:男 学历:博士研究生毕业 在职信息:在职 所在单位:新能源与环境学院
上一条:Jun Dong, Dongxue Yu, Yan Li, Bowen Li, Qiburi Bao,Transport and release of electron donors and alkalinity during reductive dechlorination by combined emulsified vegetable oil and colloidal Mg(OH)2 Laboratory sand column and microcosm tests,2019年8月,Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 225:103501. (SCI, IF=2.65)
下一条:Mengyue Zhang, Yang Dong, Song Gao, Peiyao Cai, Jun Dong*, Effective stabilization and distribution of emulsified nanoscale zerovalent iron by xanthan for enhanced nitrobenzene removal, 2019年5月,Chemosphere, 223:375-382. (SCI, IF=5.778)