毕业院校:Universidad De A Coruna
Email: qyang@jlu.edu.cn:
杨青春,女,汉族,Universidad da Coruna博士,吉林大学新能源与环境学院地下水科学与工程系教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为水土污染溯源与风险评价、复杂介质中污染物传质过程与模拟、水土污染修复与管控技术。先后主持和承担国家重点研发计划项目,国家自然科学基金,吉林大学海外人才引进科研启动基金,教育部地下水资源与环境重点实验室基金, 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 中国地质调查局项目等多项课题。
近年来在Environ. Sci. Technol., J. Hazard. Mater., J. Hydrol., Sci. Total Environ., Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., Environ. Pollut., Chemosphere, Environ. Res., Water Resour. Manag.等国际期刊发表SCI学术论文60余篇, 其中第一作者和通讯作者40余篇。曾担任Environmental Research, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment等SCI学术期刊Guest Editor。担任40多个SCI学术期刊审稿人。
[1]Yiwen Zhu, Qingchun Yang*, Hao Wang, Junwei Yang, Xunyu Zhang, Zijun Li, Jordi Delgado Martín. 2023. A hydrochemical and isotopic approach for source identification and health risk assessment of groundwater arsenic pollution in the central Yinchuan basin. Environmental Research, 231:116153.
[2] Xingyu Lu, Qingchun Yang*, Hao Wang, Yiwen Zhu. 2023. A global meta-analysis of the correlation between soil physicochemical properties and lead bioaccessibility. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 453:131440.
[3] Chang Tan, Hao Wang, Qingchun Yang*, Liyuan Yuan, Yuling Zhang, Jordi Delgado Martín. 2023. An integrated approach for quantifying source apportionment and source-oriented health risk of heavy metals in soils near an old industrial area. Environmental Pollution, 323:121271.
[4] Han Gui, Qingchun Yang*, Xingyu Lu, Hualin Wang, Qingbao Gu, Jordi Delgado Martín. 2023. Spatial distribution, contamination characteristics and ecological-health risk assessment of toxic heavy metals in soils near a smelting area. Environmental Research, 222:115328.
[5] Hao Wang, Qingchun Yang*, Yiwen Zhu, Qingbao Gu, Jordi Delgado Martín. 2023. Speciation, in vitro bioaccessibility and health risk of antimony in soils near an old industrial area. Science of the Total Environment, 854:158767.
[6] Zijun Li, Qingchun Yang*, Chuan Xie, Hao Wang, Yanli Wang. 2022. Spatiotemporal characteristics of groundwater quality and health risk assessment in a river basin, Chinese Loess Plateau. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 238:114278.
[7] Chenghao Zhong, Hao Wang, Qingchun Yang*. 2022. Hydrochemical interpretation of groundwater in Yinchuan basin using self-organizing maps and hierarchical clustering. Chemosphere, 309:136787.
[8] Zijun Li, Qingchun Yang*, Chuan Xie, Xingyu Lu. 2022. Source identification and health risks of nitrate contamination in shallow groundwater: A case study in Subei Lake basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
[9] Qingchun Yang*, Liangmiao Zhang, Hualin Wang, Jordi Delgado Martín. 2022.Bioavailability and health risk of toxic heavy metals (As, Hg, Pb and Cd) in urban soils: A Monte Carlo simulation approach. Environmental Research, 214:113772.
[10] Hao Wang, Qingchun Yang*, Ji Liang. 2022. Interpreting the salinization and hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in Dongshan island, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 179:113634.
[11]Liangmiao Zhang, Qingchun Yang*, Hao Wang, Qingbao Gu, Yuling Zhang. 2022. Genetic interpretation and health risk assessment of arsenic in Hetao Plain of Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Research, 208:112680.
[12]Chenghao Zhong, Qingchun Yang*, Ji Liang, Hongyun Ma. 2022. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation with AHP and entropy methods and health risk assessment of groundwater in Yinchuan Basin, Northwest China. Environmental Research,204:111956.
[13]Hualin Wang, Qingchun Yang*, Hongyun Ma, Ji Liang. 2021. Chemical compositions evolution of groundwater and its pollution characterization due to agricultural activities in Yinchuan Plain, Northwest China. Environmental Research, 200:111449.
[14] Dongshuang Wang, Luchen Wang, Qingchun Yang*, Kun Yu, Hongyun Ma. 2021. Hydrogeochemistry assessment of shallow groundwater and human health threats in the Northwestern Ordos Basin, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 80:92-106.
[15] Lujiao Ding, Qingchun Yang*, Yuesuo Yang, Hongyun Ma, Jordi Delgado Martin. 2021. potential risk assessment of groundwater to address the agricultural and domestic challenges in Ordos Basin. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 43:717-732.
[16] Zijun Li, Kun Yang, Chuan Xie, Qingchun Yang*, Xiaohui Lei, Hao Wang. 2021. Assessment of potential health risk for major contaminants of groundwater in a densely populated agricultural area. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 43(2):663-682.
[17] Qingchun Yang*, Zijun Li, Chuan Xie, Xiaohui Lei, Jordi Delgado Martín. 2020. Risk assessment of groundwater hydrochemistry for irrigation suitability in Ordos Basin, China. Natural Hazards, 101:309-325.
[18] Zijun Li, Qingchun Yang*, Yuesuo Yang, Chuan Xie, Hongyun Ma. 2020. Hydrogeochemical controls on arsenic contamination potential and health threat in an intensive agricultural area, Northern China. Environmental Pollution, 256:113455.