吉林大学,机械与航空航天工程学院,讲师,吉林省青年人才。吉林大学“数控装备可靠性教育部重点实验室”核心成员、“吉林省高端数控装备先进制造与智能技术重点实验室”骨干成员、秘书,主要研究方向为数控装备可靠性与设计优化及智能制造技术。近三年,作为项目负责人,先后主持国家科技重大专项“7******”子课题、航天科技集团科技攻关等科研项目,骨干参与国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、中央军委装发部重点预研项目、国家高质量发展专项等多项课题。获国家授权发明专利10余项,近年来,先后在《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、《Journal of Cleaner Production.》、《Journal of Manufacturing Systems》、《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》等国际期刊发表论文20余篇,入选Engineering学术领域内Highly Cited Papers 1篇。荣获《2021 Crossley Best Paper Award》科研奖励与荣誉等。兼任中国机械工程学会机械设计分会青年委员、《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》专家委员会委员;并担任《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《Journal of Central south University》等领域内国际知名期刊的审稿专家;由国家自然科学基金委员会支持举办的第十五届设计与制造前沿国际会议(The 15th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing),被会议支持单位、举办单位入选为“特邀审稿专家”称号等。
(2)2019年10月-2020年7月,加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚大学,机械工程,博士联合培养,导师(加拿大工程院院士Yusuf Altintas 教授、Xiaoliang Jin 学者)
(3)2021年9月-至今, 吉林大学 机械与航空航天工程学院,讲师,吉林省青年人才,数控装备可靠性教育部重点实验室成员
(4)2022年12月-至今, 吉林大学 机械与航空航天工程学院,博士后,合作导师:刘志峰(长江学者、数控装备可靠性教育部重点实验室主任)
(1)荣获《2021 Crossley Best Paper Award》科研奖励与荣誉等
[1] Cheng Qiang, Qi Baobao, Liu Zhifeng, et al. An accuracy degradation analysis of ball screw mechanism considering time-varying motion and loading working conditions [J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019.
[2] Qi Baobao, Zhao Jiajia, Chen Chuanhai, et al. Accuracy decay mechanism of ball screw in CNC machine tools for mixed sliding-rolling motion under non-constant operating conditions [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022.
[3] Zhang Ziling, Cheng Qiang, Qi Baobao, et al. A general approach for the machining quality evaluation of S-shaped specimen based on POS-SQP algorithm and Monte Carlo method [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021.
[4] Qi Baobao, Cheng Qiang, Liu Zhifeng, et al. Numerical analysis and experimental research on the accuracy decay of a ball screw with geometric errors under non-constant operating conditions [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C -Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022.
[5] Chen Chuanhai, Li Bowen, Guo Jinyan, Liu Zhifeng, Qi Baobao, Hua Chunlei. Bearing life prediction method based on the improved FIDES reliability model [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022.
[6] Liu Zhifeng, Yang Hang, Hun Lianming, Qi Baobao, Lin Zhiwen, Chen Chuanhai. Numerical and experimental analysis of ball screw accuracy reliability with time delay expansion under non-constant operating conditions [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022.
[7] Zhao Jiajia, Qi Baobao, Song Xianchun, Jiang Hongkui, Dong Pengfei. A modeling method for predicting friction torque of the preload double-nut ball screw based on thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022.
[8] Cheng Qiang, Qi Baobao, Ren Weida, Liu Zhifeng. A new exponential wear model to analyze precision retention of guideway based on macro-micro multiscale method [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering tribology, 2021.
[9] Cheng Qiang, Qi Baobao, Liu Zhifeng, Yang Congbin, Zheng Jigui. Positioning accuracy degradation and lifetime prediction of the ball screw considering time-varying working conditions and feed modes [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2021.
[10] Qi Baobao, Cheng Qiang, Li Shunlei, Liu Zhifeng, Yang Congbin. Precision loss of ball screw mechanism under sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior [J]. Journal of Central south University, 2021.
[11] Cheng Qiang, Qi Baobao, Chu Hongyan, Zhang Ziling, Liu Zhifeng, Zheng Jigui. The analysis on the influence of mixed sliding-rolling motion mode to precision degradation of ball screw [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C -Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2021.
[12] Cheng Qiang, Gong Jinlong, Xiao Gang, Yang Congbin, Liu Zhifeng, Qi Baobao. Research on energy-saving production planning of periodic forging resistance furnace [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.
[13] Cheng Qiang, Wang Hao, Liu Zhifeng, Zhang Caixia, Sun Dongyang, Qi Baobao. Reliability allocation method based on maximum entropy ordered weighted average and hesitant fuzzy Linguistic term set [J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2020.
[14] Qi Baobao, Cheng Qiang, Liu Zhifeng, Yang Congbin. Optimization analysis of structural parameters for ball screw precision retention based on advanced neural fuzzy network [J]. IEEE Access, 2020.
[15] Cheng Qiang, Qi Baobao, Liu Zhifeng, Zheng Jigui, Zhang Caixia, Chen Huaxiong. A detachable design method of large-sized structure for heavy duty machine tool based on joint surface dynamics characteristic analysis [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C -Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019.
[1] 齐宝宝; 杨航; 陈传海; 刘志峰; 郑继贵; 崔佩娟; 一种高速滚柱丝杠热特性等效测试的试验装置及方法, 2023.
[2] 程强; 齐宝宝; 孙东洋; 闫国彬; 刘志峰; 一种时变负载工况下的滚珠丝杠副随机磨损建模方法, 2023.
[3] 程强; 齐宝宝; 郭一良; 闫国彬; 刘志峰; 一种复杂工况下的滚珠丝杠副随机磨损建模方法, 2022.
[4] 程强; 齐宝宝; 公金龙; 闫国彬; 刘志峰; 一种动态波动进给转速工况下的滚珠丝杠副随机磨损建模方法, 2022.
[5] 程强; 计冬雪; 齐宝宝; 任佳祥; 张彩霞; 一种用于滚珠丝杠副滚珠滚滑摩擦磨损的测试装置, 2022.
[6] 陈传海; 宋新成; 杨兆军; 刘志峰; 田海龙; 郭劲言; 齐宝宝; 段佳瑞; 王华凯; 王成功; 全工况模拟的动力伺服刀架动力头可靠性试验台, 2022.
[7] 程强; 齐宝宝; 闫俊; 徐文祥; 仲光宇; 一种滚珠丝杠副定位精度衰退预测方法, 2018.
[8] 程强; 齐宝宝; 闫国彬; 王广; 任伟达; 数控机床组合直线进给单元磨损规律试验装置, 2017.
[9] 程强; 齐宝宝; 冯秋男; 李伟硕; 孙丙卫; 闫国彬; 蔡力钢; 赵宏伟; 顾佩华; 一种基于Floyed算法的空间误差补偿方法, 2015.
[10] 程强; 齐宝宝; 冯秋男; 赵宏伟; 蔡力钢; 刘志峰 ; 基于旋量理论的指数矩阵型机床空间误差建模及Morris全局变量敏感度分析方法, 2014.