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刘学深 吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所,教授,博士生导师。

吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所毕业,获原子与分子物理专业博士学位。后留在吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所工作,为研究生主讲《群论》、《计算原子分子物理》、《强场原子分子物理》等课程。200212月特聘为副教授,200412月破格聘任为教授。主持和承担过多项国家自然科学基金项目、国家973项目子课题、吉林省科技发展计划和高等学校博士点基金的研究工作。从事量子系统的辛算法、强激光与原子分子和固体相互作用过程的理论研究。在量子系统的辛算法、强激光原子分子非序列双电离、高次谐波的量子路径选择、孤立阿秒脉冲的产生等领域共计发表论文100 多篇,研究成果发表于Physical Review A,Optics Express,Journal of Physics B:Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,Laser Physics Letters,Optics Communications,Physics Letters A,Communications in Computational Physics,International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 等等国内外杂志。

     Selected publications:

1.      Hong-Dan Zhang, Shuai Ben, Tong-Tong Xu, Kai-Li Song, Yan-Rong Tian, Qing-Yun Xu, Si-Qi Zhang, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Photoelectron-momentum distribution of H2+ molecules at different internuclear distances in elliptically polarized laser field, Phys. Rev. A, 98(2018), 013422.

2.      Tong-Tong Xu, Qiu-Yue Zhu, Jia-He Chen, Shuai Ben, Jue Zhang, and Xue-Shen Liu*, Multiple recollisions in nonsequential double ionization by counter-rotating two-color circularly polarized laser fields, Optics Express, 26(2018), 1645-1654.

3.      Shuai Ben, Pei-Ying Guo, Kai-Li Song, Tong-Tong Xu, Wei-Wei Yu, and Xue-Shen Liu*, Nonsequential double ionization of Mg from a doubly excited complex driven by circularly polarized laser field, Optics Express, 25 (2017), 1288-1295.

4.      Tong-Tong Xu, Shuai Ben, Jun Zhang, Xue-Shen Liu*, Classical trajectory analysis of Mg in a circularly polarized laser field, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50(2017), 105401.

5.      Shuai Ben, Pei-Ying Guo, Xue-Fei Pan, Tong-Tong Xu, Kai-Li Song, Xue-Shen Liu*, Recollision induced excitation-ionization with counter-rotating two-color circularly polarized laser field, Chemical Physics Letters, 679(2017), 38-44.

6.      Jing Guo*, Huiying Zhong, Bing Yan, Yi Chen, Yuanfei Jiang, Ting-feng Wang, Jun-feng Shao, Chang-bin Zheng, Xue-Shen Liu*, Comparison of high-order-harmonic generation on single-layer graphene flakes with armchair and zigzag types in an intense laser field, Phys. Rev. A, 93(2016), 033806.

7.      Wanlong Zuo, Shuai Ben, Hang  Lv, Lei Zhao, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu, Haifeng Xu*, Mingxing Jin, Dajun Ding, Experimental and theoretical study on non-sequential double ionization of carbon disulfide in strong near-IR laser fields, Phys. Rev. A, 93(2016), 053402.

8.      Shuai Ben, Tian Wang, Tongtong Xu, Jing Guo and Xueshen Liu*, Nonsequential double ionization channels control of Ar with few-cycle elliptically polarized laser pulse by carrier-envelope-phase, Optics Express, 24(2016), 7525-7533.

9.      Tong-Tong Xu, Shuai Ben, Tian Wang, Jun Zhang, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Exploration of the non-sequential double-ionization process of a Mg atom with different delay time in few-cycle circularly polarized laser fields, Phys. Rev. A, 92(2015), 033405.

10.  Jun Zhang, Xin-Lei Ge, Tian Wang, Tong-Tong Xu, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Spatial distribution on high-order harmonic generation of an H2+ molecule in intense laser fields, Phys. Rev. A, 92(2015), 013418.

11.  Xin-Lei Ge, Hui Du, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Quantum control of electron wave packet during high harmonic process of H2+ in a combination of a circularly polarized laser field and a Terahertz field, Optics Express, 23(2015), 8837-8844.

12.  Xin-Lei Ge, Tian Wang, Jing Guo, and Xue-Shen Liu*, Quantum-path control and isolated-attosecond-pulse generation using H2+ molecules with moving nuclei in few-cycle laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A, 89(2014), 023424.  

13.  Tian Wang, Xin-Lei Ge, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Sensitivity of strong-field double ionization to the initial ensembles in circularly polarized laser fields, Phys. Rev. A, 90(2014), 033420.  

14.  Jing Guo*, Xin-Lei Ge, Huiying Zhong, Xi Zhao, Meixia Zhang, Yuanfei Jiang, Xue-Shen Liu*, Influence of vibrational states on high-order-harmonic generation and isolated attosecond pulse from a N2 molecule, Phys. Rev. A, 90(2014), 053410.

15.  Chang-Long Xia, Xue-Shen Liu*, Quantum path control and isolated attosecond pulse generation with the combination of two circularly polarized laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A, 87(2013), 043406.

16.  Xi Zhao, Jing Chen, Panming Fu, Xueshen Liu, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wang*, Carrier-envelope phase effect in a long laser pulse with tens of optical cycles, Phys. Rev. A, 87(2013), 043411.

17.  Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Shih-I Chu*, Exploration of nonsequential-double-ionization dynamics of Mg atom in linearly and circularly polarized laser fields with different potentials, Phys. Rev. A, 88 (2013), 023405.

18.  Chang-Long Xia, Xin-Lei Ge, Xi Zhao, Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Isolated attosecond pulse generation from a model of Ar+ cluster in a synthesized two-color laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A, 85(2012), 025802.

19.  Chang-Long Xia, Gang-Tai Zhang, Jie Wu, Xue-Shen Liu*, Single attosecond pulse generation in an orthogonally polarized two-color laser field combined with a static electric field, Phys. Rev. A, 81(2010), 043420.  

20.  Jie Wu, Gang-Tai Zhang, Chang-Long Xia, Xue-Shen Liu*, Control of the high-order harmonic cutoff and attosecond pulse generation through the combination of a chirped fundamental laser and a subharmonic laser field, Phys. Rev. A, 82(2010), 013411.

21.  Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Shih-I Chu*, Exploration of strong-field multiphoton double ionization, rescattering, and electron angular distribution of He atoms in intense long-wavelength laser fields: The Coupled Coherent-states Approach, Phys. Rev. A, 82(2010), 023402.

22.  Gang-Tai Zhang, Jie Wu, Chang-Long Xia and Xue-Shen Liu*, Enhanced high-order harmonics and an isolated short attosecond pulse by using a two-color laser and an extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse, Phys. Rev. A, 80(2009), 055404.  

23.  Gang-Tai Zhang and Xue-Shen Liu*, Generation of an extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum and isolated sub-50 as pulse in a two-colour laser fields, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 42(2009), 125603. 

24.  Jing Guo*, Xue-Shen Liu*, Lithium ionization by intense laser fields with classical ensemble simulations, Phys. Rev. A, 78(2008), 013401. 

25.  Zhen Zhai, Ruo-Fei Yu, Xue-Shen Liu*, Yu-Jun Yang, Enhancement of high-order harmonic emission and intense sub-50 as pulse generation, Phys. Rev. A, 78(2008), 041402(R).

26.  Zhen Zhai, Xue-Shen Liu*, Extension of the high-order harmonics and an isolated sub-100-attosecond pulse generation in a two-color laser field, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 41(2008), 125602.

27.  Xue-Shen Liu*, Yue-Ying Qi, Jian-Feng He, Pei-Zhu Ding, Recent progress in symplectic algorithms for use in quantum systems, Communications in Computational Physics, 2(2007) , 1-53.  


[1] 1998.7-2001.6
吉林大学 | 原子分子物理学


[1]  吉林大学 原子与分子物理研究所 



