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Sudip Pan

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毕业院校:Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


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Dr. Sudip Pan obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in 2016 under the supervision of Prof. Pratim K. Chattaraj. In the same year, he moved to work as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cinvestav Merida under Prof. Gabriel Merino. Towards the end of 2017, he moved to Nanjing Tech University for another postdoctoral stay under Prof. Gernot Frenking and Prof. Lili Zhao. From January 2019 to December 2022 he was working at Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany as a postdoctoral fellow under Prof. Gernot Frenking. Since January, 2023 he has been working as full professor under prestigious 'Tang Aoqing Scholar' title. He is a coauthor of 170 scientific publications in very reputed journals like Science, Nature Review Chemistry, Accounts of Chemical Research, Chemical Review, Chemical Society Review, The Journal of American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Nature Communications, Chemical Science etc. and has an H-index of 39. He is acting as an associate editor of Frontiers in Chemistry and editorial board memeber in Molecules, PeerJ Physical Chemistry and PeerJ Inorganic Chemistry. He acted as a co-editor in the book entitled ‘Atomic Clusters with Unusual Structure, Bonding and Reactivity’ which is published by Elsevier. He also acted as a co-editor for the special issue in J. Comp. Chem. in honor of 75th birthday of prof. Gernot Frenking.

His research interests include molecular modeling and understanding of bonding and reactivities. Once the bonding situation is properly understood, the possible reactivities, properties, and applications can also be predicted. He employed modern computational tools toward the understanding and prediction of new organic or inorganic molecules with the goal to attain systems having unusual structure, bonding, and reactivity. Chemical bonding, a fuzzy concept that is explained by the limited models, has many intriguing flavors that different molecules possess. A proper understanding of the bonding situation is obligatory to correctly interpret the inherent stability and reactivity of the complexes. This is a difficult task as different models could give different bonding scenarios. The theoretical tools like natural bond orbital, adaptive natural density partitioning, atoms-in-molecules, and energy decomposition analyses (EDA) in combination with natural orbital for chemical valence (NOCV) have their own strength and weakness. Yet, they are very useful to unveil the bonding situation in the molecules. He worked on a number of topics which include puzzling bonding questions and designing and predicting new molecular systems with interesting reactivity. Particularly, the main focus is devoted to those systems that violate what is established by traditional chemistry and that allow expansion to the limit of basic concepts like structure, chemical bond, and aromaticity. He applied state-of-the-art methods for the electronic structure calculations and used natural bond orbital, atoms-in-molecules, and more sophisticated EDA-NOCV methods. 




[1]Molecular modeling with unusual bonding and reactivity
[2]Ligand supported transient species
[4]Small molecule activation

