科研简介:已主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、吉林省科技厅重点研发项目、吉林省科技厅青年科研基金项目、吉林省教育厅“十三五”规划项目、吉林省教育厅“十三五”重点研究项目、中国博士后面上项目等纵向项目,以及上海无线电设备研究所、郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司等多项横向项目。以第一作者或通讯作者在Materials Science & Engineering A、Materials Letters、Materials and Design、International Journal of Fatigue、Engineering Failure Analysis等国际高水平学术期刊上发表SCI检索论文30余篇。现为中国焊接学会青年工作委员会委员,吉林大学青年科技工作者协会会员,Applied Surface Science、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Journal of Materials Processing Technology等多家SCI收录杂志的通讯审稿人。
Yu Liu, Xiaohui Zhao*, Dongpo Wang. Determination of the plasticproperties of materials treated by ultrasonic surface rolling process throughinstrumented indentation. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014.
Y. Liu, X. Zhao*, D. Wang. Effective FE model to predict surface layercharacteristics of ultrasonic surface rolling with experimental validation. Materials Science and Technology, 2013.
Yu Liu, Guilian Xue, Xiaohui Zhao*. Strain-induced gradient crystallineevolution mechanism of Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si during ultrasonic impactingand rolling process. Micro & Nano Letters, 2017.
Yu Liu, Yanjun Zhang, Xiaohui Zhao*. Nanostructure evolution of as-cast magnesium alloy induced by ultrasonic impacting and rolling. Micro & Nano Letters, 2017.
Huijing Zhang, Xiaohui Zhao, Yu Liu*. Effect of high frequency impacting and rolling on fatigue crack growth of 2A12 aluminum alloy welded joint. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021.
Xiaohui Zhao, Gen Liu, Desheng Xu, Chunhua Hu, Yu Liu*. Effect of Water Environment on Fatigue Behavior in X80 High Strength Steel CO2 Arc Welding Welded Joint. Metals, 2021.
Xiaohui Zhao, Kaichao Liu, Desheng Xu, Yu Liu*, Chunhua Hu. Effects of Ultrasonic Surface Rolling processing and Subsequent Recovery Treatment on the Wear Resistance of AZ91D Mg Alloy. Materials, 2020.
Xiaohui Zhao, Haichao Zhang, Yu Liu*. Effect of laser surface remelting on the fatigue crack propagation rate of 40Cr steel. Results in Physics,2019.
Xiaohui Zhao, Zhaoyi Sun, Desheng Xu, Yu Liu*. Local Fatigue Strength Evaluation of Shot Peened 40Cr Notched Steel. Metals, 2018.
Xiaohui Zhao, Hongyang Zhou, Yu Liu*. Effect of shot peening on the fatigue properties of nickel-based superalloy GH4169 at high temperature. Results in Physics, 2018.
Xiaohui Zhao, Bo Zhao, Yu Liu*. Research on friction and wear behavior of gradient nano-structured 40Cr steel induced by high frequency impacting and rolling. Engineering Failure Analysis,2018.
Xiaohui Zhao, Zhigang Peng, Yu Liu*. Fatigue behaviour of notched U75V-steel treated by bearing ultrasonic peening. SURFACE ENGINEERING,2018.
Xiaohui Zhao, Yanjun Zhang, Yu Liu*. Surface Characteristics and Fatigue Behavior of Gradient Nano-Structured Magnesium Alloy. Metals, 2018.
Xiaohui Zhao, Guilian Xue, Yu Liu*. Dry Sliding Tribological Behavior of TC11 Titanium Alloy Subjected to the Ultrasonic Impacting and Rolling Process. Metals, 2017.
Xiaohui Zhao, Guilian Xue, Yu Liu*. Gradient crystalline structure induced by ultrasonic impacting and rolling and its effect on fatigue behavior of TC11 titanium alloy. Results in Physics, 2017.
Xiaohui Zhao, Yanjun Fan, Huiyuan Wang, Yu Liu*. Revealing the surfacenano-enhancing mechanism of α-titanium alloy by microstructure evolution. Materials Letters, 2015.
Xiaohui Zhao, Yanjun Fan, Yu Liu*, Huiyuan Wang, Peng Dong. Evaluation of fatigue fracture mechanism in a flash butt welding joint of a U75V type steel for rail road applications. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2015.
Xiaohui Zhao, Fuyong Li, Yu Liu*, Yanjun Fan. Fatigue Behavior of a Box-Type Welded Structure of Hydraulic Support Used in Coal Mine. Materials, 2015.
天津大学  材料加工工程  博士研究生毕业  工学博士
天津大学  材料加工工程  硕士研究生毕业  工学硕士
天津大学  材料科学
机械与航空航天工程学院 副教授
米兰理工大学 访问学者
机械与航空航天工程学院 讲师