段德芳,吉林大学物理学院教授,博士研究生导师,2021年国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。长期从事高压极端条件下凝聚态物质结构与性质的理论计算研究工作,设计了压致共价型H3S富氢高温超导体,其超导温度超过了200 K,被实验证实,创造了当时高温超导新纪录,被国际专家学者评论为:“从头算超导电性的里程碑”,“重新点燃了室温超导体的百年梦想”。在PRL等国际一流学术刊物上发表SCI论文100余篇,被引用2200余次。主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年科学基金项目各1项,吉林省科技厅优秀青年人才基金项目1项,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金1项,中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目2项,作为主要参加人参与了科技部国家重点研发计划项目及国家自然科学基金重点等多个项目的研究工作。荣获知社学术圈首届“2015年度中国十大新锐科技人物”、吉林大学首届“培英工程”、吉林大学唐敖庆青年人才奖励基金、吉林大学第五届师德先进个人等支持和奖励。
[1] D. Duan, Y. Liu, F. Tian, D. Li, X. Huang, Z. Zhao, H. Yu, B. Liu, W. Tian, T. Cui, Pressure-induced metallization of dense (H2S)2H2 with high-Tc superconductivity, Sci. Rep., 4 (2014) 6968.
[2] D. Duan, X. Huang, F. Tian, D. Li, H. Yu, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, B. Liu, T. Cui, Pressure-induced decomposition of solid hydrogen sulfide, Physical Review B, 91 (2015) 180502.
[3] D. Duan, Z. Liu, Z. Lin, H. Song, H. Xie, T. Cui, C.J. Pickard, M. Miao, Multistep Dissociation of Fluorine Molecules under Extreme Compression, Physical Review Letter, 126 (2021) 225704.
[4] H. Xie, Y. Yao, X. Feng, D. Duan, H. Song, Z. Zhang, S. Jiang, S.A.T. Redfern, V.Z. Kresin, C.J. Pickard, T. Cui, Hydrogen Pentagraphenelike Structure Stabilized by Hafnium: A High-Temperature Conventional Superconductor, Physical Review Letter, 125 (2020) 217001.
[5] D. Zhou, D.V. Semenok, D. Duan, H. Xie, W. Chen, X. Huang, X. Li, B. Liu, A.R. Oganov, T. Cui, Superconducting praseodymium superhydrides, Science Advances, 6 (2020) eaax6849.
[6] D. Duan, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, Z. Shao, B. Liu, T. Cui, Structure and superconductivity of hydrides at high pressures, National Science Review, 4 (2017) 121-135.
[7] Hao Song, Zihan Zhang, Tian Cui, Chris J. Pickard, Vladimir Z. Kresin, D. Duan, High Tc Superconductivity in Heavy Rare Earth Hydrides, Chin. Phys. Lett., 38 (2021) 107401.
[8] Z. Shao, D. Duan, Y. Ma, H. Yu, H. Song, H. Xie, D. Li, F. Tian, B. Liu, T. Cui, Ternary superconducting cophosphorus hydrides stabilized via lithium, npj Computational Materials, 5 (2019) 104.
[9] D. Duan, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, Z. Liu, T. Cui, B. Liu, G. Zou, Ab initio studies of solid bromine under high pressure, Physical Review B, 76 (2007) 104113-104118.
[10] D. Duan, X. Jin, Y. Ma, T. Cui, B. Liu, G. Zou, Effect of nonhydrostatic pressure on superconductivity of monatomic iodine: An ab initio study, Physical Review B, 79 (2009) 064518-064517.
[11] H. Song, D. Duan, T. Cui, V.Z. Kresin, High-Tc state of lanthanum hydrides, Physical Review B, 102 (2020) 014510.
[12] Z. Shao, D. Duan, L. Wang, H. Song, H. Yu, Y. Yao, T. Cui, First-principles investigation of rhodium hydrides under high pressure, Physical Review B, 104 (2021) 054110.
[13] H. Song, Z. Zhang, M. Du, Q. Jiang, D. Duan, T. Cui, Phase diagrams and superconductivity of ternary Na-Al-H compounds at high pressure, Physical Review B, 104 (2021) 104509.
[14] H. Xie, W. Zhang, D. Duan, X. Huang, Y. Huang, H. Song, X. Feng, Y. Yao, C.J. Pickard, T. Cui, Superconducting Zirconium Polyhydrides at Moderate Pressures, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020) 646-651.
[15] T. Liang, Z. Zhang, H. Yu, T. Cui, X. Feng, C.J. Pickard, D. Duan, S.A.T. Redfern, Pressure-Induced Superionicity of H– in Hypervalent Sodium Silicon Hydrides, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12 (2021) 7166-7172.