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      国家重点研发计划重点专项项目负责人,基金委重大研究计划项目项目负责人。近年来,面向国家基础科学,以原子分子和微纳尺度超快量子调控为核心目标,在超快物理、强场物理、原子结构与碰撞等研究方向开展了深入系统的理论工作,取得了多项创新成果。在Physical review系列、Optics Express、Physics Letters B等本领域著名期刊发表论文40多篇,含多篇Physical Review Letters。曾多次获邀在亚洲原子分子物理学术会议(AISAMP12)、International Conference on Scientific Opportunities with Advanced Attosecond Lasers(SOAL2022)等重要学术会议上做邀请报告。



  1. 超快物理电子关联研究;

  2. 超快激光与微纳结构耦合动力学研究;

  3. 超强激光场碰撞等离子体理论研究;

  4. 原子分子量子点电子结构计算;

  5. 机器学习在AMO的应用研究。



2020.01-今        吉林大学,唐敖庆领军教授

2016.10-2019.12 吉林大学


9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12474343,项目名称基于阿秒脉冲的多电子体系双电离及其调控理论研究在研,主持。

8. 光合基金在研,主持。

7. 科技部国家重点研发计划,2022YFE0134200,项目名称基于阿秒脉冲的纳米结构与富勒烯团簇超快动力学理论研究,在研,主持。

6. 吉林省自然科学基金,20220101016JC,项目名称纳米团簇结构超快成像理论研究,在研,主持。

5. 瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室开放基金,SKLST202104, 项目名称:利用超快光脉冲对金属纳微结构成像理论研究,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,91850114,项目名称: 若干纳微结构在超快光场中的电子动力学理论研究,已结题,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11774131,项目名称内壳层电子光电离超快动力学理论研究,已结题,主持。

2. 吉林大学海外引进博士,项目名称极端条件下的原子分子,已结题,主持。

1. 自然科学基金面上项目项目名称强场中的中高能碰撞,已结题,参与。

联系方式:    aihualiu(AT)JLU.EDU.CN   

               (AT) 替换成@


特别欢迎对原子分子光物理編程(python, matlab, C++, fortran等)机器学习及深度学习等感兴趣的同学联系我!




Ø Q.-B. Tang, L.-K. Shi, K. Zhang, S.-J. Kang, Z.-F.Li, Y.-M. Wu, L.-L. Qin, C.-Y. Zhai, A. Liu*, Y.-B. Li*, B.-H. Yu, Electron dynamics of molecular frustrated double ionization driven by strong laser fields, Commun. Theor. Phys. in press https://doi.org/10.1088/1572-9494/acb14c.

Ø X. Liu, S. Gao, N. Wang, F. Zhu, L. Jiao*, and A. Liu*, Alignment Sensitivity of Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Momentum and Angular Distributions of H2+ by XUV Attosecond Pulses, Commun. Theor. Phys. in press https://doi.org/10.1088/1572-9494/acb14b .

Ø Z. L. Zhou, R. Y. Zheng, L. G. Jiao*,  A. Liu*, H. E. Montgomery, Jr.,Y. K. HoRevisiting the generalized pseudospectral method: Energy degeneracies, radial expectation values, and Schwarz-like inequalities of the shell-confined atom, Int J Quantum Chem., e27085(2023).

Ø L. G. Jiao*, L. Xu, R. Y. Zheng,  A. Liu*, Y. Z. Zhang, H. E. Montgomery Jr. Y. K. Ho, Critical screening parameters of one-electron systems with screened Coulomb potentials: high Rydberg limit, J. Phys. B 55, 195001(2022).

Ø Y. Y. He, L. G. Jiao*,  A. Liu*, H. E. Montgomery, Jr.,Y. K. Ho,  Multipole polarizabilities of spherically confined hydrogen atom and positronium in screened Coulomb potential,  Int J Quantum Chem., e27009(2022).

Ø R. Y. Zheng, L. G. Jiao*A. Liu*, J. Ma, Y. K. HoH. E. Montgomery Jr.Modeling the behavior of two-electron atom at critical nuclear charge, J. Phys. B 55, 185001(2022).

Ø L. G. Jiao*, R. Y. Zheng, A. Liu*, H. E. Montgomery, Jr.,Y. K. HoBound and resonance states near the critical charge region in two-electron atoms, Phys. Rev. A 105, 052806 (2022).

Ø J. Xu, Y. Zhou∗, Y. Li∗, A. Liu∗, Y. Chen, X. Ma, X. Huang, K. Liu, Q. Zhang, M. Li, B. Yu and P. Lu, Dynamics of frustrated tunneling ionization driven by inhomogeneous laser fields, New J. Phys. 24, 123043 (2022) .

Ø J. Wang, G.-L. Li, X. Liu, F.-Z. Zhu*, L.-G. Jiao* and A. Liu*, Photoelectron momentum distribution of hydrogen atoms in a superintense ultrashort high-frequency pulse, Frontiers in Physics, 10, 974500(2022).

Ø Y. Li, L. Qin, A. Liu*, K. Zhang, Q. Tang, C. Zhai, J. Xu*, S. Chen, B. Yu*, and J. Chen, Manipulating Nonsequential Double Ionization of Argon Atoms via Orthogonal Two-Color Field, Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 093201 (2022).

Ø L. G. Jiao*, X. H. Ji, Z. X. HuA. Liu*, H. E. Montgomery, Jr.,Y. K. Hos-wave resonance in exponential cosine screened Coulomb potentialEur. Phys. J. D, 75, 313(2021).

Ø Y.-B. Li, L.-L. Qin, H.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Li, J.J. He, L.-K. Shi, C.-Y. Zhai, Q.-B. Tang, A. Liu*, B. Yu*,Energy exchange in ultrafast dynamics of atom with strong laser fields,Acta Physica Sinica, 71,  043201(2022) .

Ø  L. G. Jiao*, Y. Y. He, A. Liu*, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. K. Ho, Development of the kinetically and atomically balanced generalized pseudospectral method, Phys. Rev. A 104, 022801(2021).

Ø X. H. Ji, Y. Y. He, L. G. Jiao∗, A. Liu∗, Y. K. Ho, Probability density of the Yukawa particle at the origin: Numerical calculation and analytical solution, Phys. Lett. B, 823, 136718(2021).

Ø F. Zhu, X. Liu, Y. Guo, N. Wang, L. Jiao*, and A. Liu*Chirp-dependent ionization of hydrogen atoms in the presence of super-intense laser pulses, Chin. Phys.B 30, 094209(2021).

Ø H. H. Xie, L.G. Jiao*, A. Liu, Y. K. Ho, High-precision calculation of relativistic corrections for hydrogen-like atoms with screened Coulomb potentials, Int J Quantum Chem. 121, e26653(2021).

Ø Y. Y. He, L. G. Jiao*, A. Liu*, Y. Z. Zhang, and Y. K. Ho, Multipole polarizabilities for hydrogen-like atoms in Hulth{\'e}n potential with and without spherical confinement, Eur. Phys. J. D 75, 126 (2021).

Ø L. G. Jiao∗ , H. H. Xie, A. Liu∗ , H. E. Montgomery Jr, and Y. K. Ho,  Critical screening parameters and critical behaviors of one-electron systems with screened Coulomb potentials, J. Phys. B 54, 175002 (2021) .

Ø Y. Z. Zhang, L. G. Jiao*, F. Liu, A. H. Liu, Y. K. Ho, Energy levels of ground and singly excited states of two-electron atoms in dense quantum plasmas, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 140, 101420(2021) .

Ø W. Li, Y. Lei, X. Li, T. Yang, M. Du, Y. Jiang, J. Li, S. Luo, A.Liu, L. He, P. Ma, D. Zhang*, and D. Ding, Multiphoton Ionization of Potassium Atoms in Femtosecond Laser Fields, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38,  053202(2021).

Ø F. Zhu; G. Li, A. Liu*,Intensity Effect of Laser-assisted Double Ionization of Helium Atoms by Ultrashort XUV Pulses, Chin. Phys.B  29, 073202(2020).

Ø W. Hu, X. Li, H. Zhao, W. Li, Y. Lei, X. Kong, A. Liu, S. Luo and D. Ding,Sub-optical-cycle electron dynamics of NO molecules: the effect of strong laser field and Coulomb field, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 084002(2020).

ØJ. Wang;  A. Liu*; K-J Yuan*, High-order harmonic generation in aligned molecules by combination of weak XUV and intense IR laser pulses, Opt. Comm. 460, 125216 (2020)

ØJ. Han; J. Wang*; Y. Qiao; A. Liu; F. Guo; Y. Yang, Significantly enhanced conversion efficiency of high-order harmonic generation by inducing chirped laser pulse into scheme of spatially inhomogeneous field, Opt. Express 27, 8768 (2019).

ØN. Wang, A. Liu*, Interference effect of photoionization of hydrogen atoms by ultra-short and ultra-fast high-frequency chirped pulses,Chin. Phys. B 28, 083403(2019).

ØN. Wang, L. Jiao and A. Liu*, Relativistic electron scattering from freely movable proton/μ+ in the presence of strong laser field, Chin. Phys.B 28, 093402(2019).

ØY. Guo, A. Liu*, J. Wang*, and X. Liu, Atomic even-harmonic generation due to symmetry-breaking effects induced by spatially inhomogeneous field, Chin. Phys. B, 28, 094212(2019).

ØS. Zhou, A. Liu, F. Liu, C. Wang, D.-J. Ding, Efficient solver for time-dependent Schrödinger equation with interaction between atoms and strong laser field,Chin. Phys. B 28, 083101(2019).

Ø Sizuo Luo et al., Multiorbital effects in strong-field ionization and dissociation of aligned polar molecules CH3I and CH3Br, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 063415(2017).

Ø Aihua Liu et al., A novel graphics processing units (GPU) implementation of discrete wavelet transformation, Medical Physics 43 3329(2016).

Ø  M. Chen et al., Towards real-time volumetric imaging using the treatment beam and KV beam, Medical Physics, 43 3418(2016).

ØAihua Liu and Uwe Thumm, Criterion for distinguishing sequential from nonsequential contributions to the double ionization of helium in ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet pulses, Physical Review Letters 115 183002(2015).

ØAi-hua Liu et al, Laser-assisted muon decay, Physical Review Letters 98, 251803(2007).

Ø Aihua Liu and Uwe Thumm, Laser-assisted XUV double ionization of helium: Energy-sharing dependence of joint angular distributions, Physical Review A 91, 043416.(2015).

Ø Ai-Hua Liu and Shu-Min Li, Relativistic electron scattering from a freely movable proton in a strong laser field, Physical Review A 90, 055403(2014).

Ø Aihua Liu and Uwe Thumm , Laser-assisted XUV few-photon double ionization of helium: Joint angular distributions, Physical Review A 89, 063423(2014).


Ø周胜鹏, 刘爱华,探索亚原子世界的利器——阿秒光脉冲现代物理知识杂志,2019 Vol. 31 (3): 50-55 PDF下载


1. Physical Review Letter, Physical Review A, Medical Physics, Europhysics Letters 等杂志审稿人。

  • [1] 2007.8 -- 2015.6

    美国高等学校或研究机构       物理学      Kansas State University, JRM lab https://jrm.phys.ksu.edu/

  • [2] 2004.9 -- 2007.6

    中国科学技术大学       物理学

  • [3] 2000.9 -- 2004.7

    中国地质大学       物理学其他学科

  • [1] 2016.10 -- 至今

    Jilin University      Associate professor

  • [2] 2015.7 -- 2016.10

    University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center      Medical physics

  • [1]

    Physical Review Letter, Physical Review A, Medical Physics, Europhysics Letters 等杂志特约审稿人。

  • [1]     其它:
    -GPU在原子分子物理及医学物理(Medical Physics)中的应用;
  • [2]     内壳层电子光电离超快动力学理论研究
  • [3]     强激光场中原子分子超快动力学理论研究
  • [4]     若干纳微结构在超快光场中的电子动力学理论研究
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